Monday, December 20, 2010

Huge sighs of relief.

About moving...

I'm done! Well, I'm MOVED. Unpacking still needs to be finished but we're at least 1/2 way finished with this adventure.

I used to move all the time, about once a year back when I was in college and just out of college. But I lived in Somerville for FOUR YEARS and got very, very comfortable. I have been in the process (over the past couple of months) of un-entrenching myself from that big sunny apartment and trying to par down, simplify and organize myself enough to move back to JP to live with Curtis.

His place is about the same size as my old place but with less storage and a much more minimalist mentality. And although I've never been a minimalist, I've always wanted to simplify my belongings and get myself organized.

I'm a collector, I always have been. I come from a long long line of collectors who love to collect and share collections and store collections. I don't think I'll ever change but I think I can get the urge under control a little.

These pictures show just about everything we moved on Sunday (with the help of our friends Jerry and Alison and their Dodge Sprinter). I would say it is 70% art supplies, 20% old mail and 10% miscellaneous. I had already moved my 3 or 4 pieces of furniture, my books, my clothes and the cats (who are settling in nicely).

The move wasn't without its difficulties. I had a few difficult moments feeling overwhelmed and as though it would just never get done. But Curtis and all of my friends who helped were incredibly supportive and assured me everything would be fine...and it was!

We ended up dropping off three car-loads of unwanted items at goodwill over the course of my packing (two of which were station wagon loads!) and it felt great. To know that all my stuff that had been sitting in cupboards and closets for years, unused and unwanted will now be going to folks who have a use for it - satisfying! And to be honest, I don't even remember what we got rid of!
I still have a lot of sorting and further thinning-of-my-things that I want to do. Art supplies are hard to pare down but old mail and clothes and little knicknacky things are a little easier.

I can't wait to be free of boxes and bag and able to settle in and spend just ONE weekend doing nothing. No packing, no moving, no unpacking, no trips to the donation dropoff, no sorting, no searching for something buried in a box. Just sitting and drawing and relaxing!

Moving is hard but being moved is great!

Oh, and the Bazaar Bizarre was WONDERFUL...


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