Friday, April 15, 2011

Recommended Listening - SVE & LLtB

Last night we went to the Brighton Music Hall to see Sharon Van Etten. She was incredible and one of her openers, Lady Lamb the Beekeeper was an unexpected delight (we had never heard of her before).

Amazing lady vocals abounded. ("Abounded"? That has GOT to be wrong, sounds terrible.)

Lady Lamb the Beekeeper.
WHOA. I don't even know if I know the words to talk about her. She was definitely the best female guitarist I've seen in a long time - maybe ever. So so good. Some of her lyrics are really out there and her voice is incredible. And she's from Maine! I never would have guessed (not that there's anything wrong with Maine! I love Vacationland!).



Sharon Van Etton
Charming, funny and incredibly talented. I think she is in league with a lot of other bigger female vocalists I really enjoy but her sound and songwriting is all her own. When she hopped on the harmonium (I had no idea what it was at the time) for "Love More" and again during "D sharp G" as her last encore song - breathtaking. (Confession, Love More makes me cry - every time. And she told us it was about wonderful friends which made it all the more poignant.)

Both of these performances seemed so sure, so strong. I felt lucky to be in the same room as all that talent. (None of this post comes close to describing what really went on but the show was out at 1230 and we walked home and I'm tired now. Just trust me, it was awesome and if either of these ladies come to a venue near you - RUN for tickets.)

This track reminds me of Karen O so much! In all the best ways.

(I'm excited to have Lady Lamb as my soundtrack while I paint and work this weekend!)

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