Thursday, October 4, 2012

Motivation Loop

So far unemployment is weird. It's definitely a learning experience. I still feel strange and a little bit lost and definitely a touch overwhelmed at times. But I also feel positive and optimistic and un-stressed. I think everything balances out to a nice comfortable neutral with potential.

Autumnal Work Surface

The ups and downs are still catching me by surprise. Yesterday I slept a little later than I intended and felt pretty gloomy most of the morning. I half-heartedly tried to get some things done and take my daily walk around the pond but made it only as far as the grocery. I bought ingredients for vegetable stew and came home feeling pretty deflated. But I made the stew and felt a little better.


Today was entirely different. I woke up on time and immediately got to work. I finished the second draft of a custom illustration and went for my walk. Now I'm here, typing this post. I feel good and inspired (that walk always does the trick!) and I'm ready to do some more things. Being left to my own devices is a little unpredictable.
I'm definitely discovering that my motivation only comes if I get something done first. It's like I have to work to earn the inspiration to work more. I have to make the first move.

We'll see how it goes...for however long this no-job-thing lasts.



By Jamaica Pond

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