Hi Internet! I just got back from a restful weekend in New Hampshire visiting with my family. The folks are moving soon so my brother flew up from Baltimore and we spent a couple of days just hanging out. We saw their new 'hood and ate some amazing food. The new place will be wonderful and cozy but I'm going to miss the window-filled house surrounded by trees they've been in for the past 18 years.

Anyway, now I'm back here and back to reality. We have a Bazaar Bizarre meeting tonight for final discussions prior to Union Made coming up and a short few weeks. Then tomorrow I'm spending the day with my beloved Ryan. The rest of the week needs to involve some after-work-painting and other planning.
Here's a dress..

And some yarn-in-progress...

And look at the garden! (I need to get back there this week to see how the downpours we've been having lately have been treating my seedlings.)

I love that place so much!
In shoppy news, I bought myself an assortment of things from Jen Collins's Etsy shop. So many good things. As you know, I'm a fiend for illustrated travels and these three zines are a wonderful addition to my growing collection of travel writing. HIGHLY recommended. (This terrible nighttime photo doesn't do the prints any justice so go look in her shop.)

That's just about everything over here. How are things with you?
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